COST 1406 Dynamic Quality Control

The map below displays, for all countries for which data is available, the COST 1406 action dynamic quality control elements used.

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  Level 1 (CI => RI)
  Level 2 (CI => mon => RI)
  Level 3 (CI => mod => RI)

COST 1406 action dynamic quality control elements used

The remaining service life assessment can be performed on the level of:

  • the classical condition assessment (condition classes) (CI),
  • the reliability (reliability index) (RI)*,
  • the risk (risk index) (RS)

From COP and COST TU 1406 survey the country-specific pattern of CI and the used transfers (Level I to III, as shown below) are shown in the map

The table below displays, for all countries for which data is available, the dynamic quality control level utilised.

Level I (CI→RI)

The reliability index ß is explicitly derived from the visual inspection for the decesive failure modes of the governing Vulnerable zone. This approach is to be considered as a first rough approximation, since the structural properties are only partly included in the considerations.

Level II (CI→mon→RI)

Tests and monitoring activities are carried out which already facilitate a direct evaluation of the condition index and the reliability level. Thus, it is no longer necessary to determine the condition index or the reliability index by means of performance indicators associated with compliance functions.

In the sense of a data-informed structural performance assessment, the information from the system behavior can already be taken into account in this level II by testing and monitoring and the associated performance indicators or key performance indicators.

In terms of high quality assessment (QA) and quality control (QC), clear documentation of the procedures, monitoring systems, test procedures, and test or monitoring conditions is necessary according to D3.2.

Level III (CI→mod→RI)

The level involves modeling activities for an explicit assessment of current and future performance condition and reliability performance. This approach allows modeling support for the determination of remaining service life. In terms of high quality assessment (QA) and quality control (QC), clear documentation of the procedures, monitoring systems, test procedures, and test or monitoring conditions is necessary according to D3.2.

* Note: The remaining service life assessment on the level of reliability requires either

  • the direct conversion of the condition index into a reliability index using the performance index or key performance index approach, see (IMSAFE-WP3, 2022); Level I (CI→RI),
  • Transferring the condition index with the help of the performance index or key performance index consideration and monitoring information into the reliability level, see (IMSAFE-WP3, 2022); Level II (CI→mon→RI),
  • the conversion of the condition index into the reliability level using the performance index or key performance index approach and modeling, see (IMSAFE-WP3, 2022); Level III (CI→mod→RI),
  • Transfer of the condition index to the reliability level with the help of the performance index or key figure consideration and the modeling and monitoring information, see (IMSAFE-WP3, 2022); Level III (CI→mod&mon→RI).