Galecopperbrug (object state)

A condition of an object at a particular time, reflecting the object's ability to fulfil it's requirements.


Element type
Object state
Visual inspection of the strands still takes place frequently. On top of this an acoustic monitoring system is installed to detect acoustic activity in the strands. Each strand is equipped with one sensor at its end. These sensors are monitored continuously, and if activity above a certain threshold level (traffic noise) is detected, the signal is stored for later evaluation. By comparing the measured signals with prior knowledge on acoustic energy due to wire breaks (literature, lab testing), the acoustic signals that indicate a wire break can be isolated. If the acoustic signals give reason to, an additional visual inspection can take place. As described in the previous section, apart from the acoustic monitoring and visual inspection regarding wire breaks, additional measurements have taken place in the past. Cable forces are measured using the taut string theory and the forces in the bypasses are continuously monitored using ring force meters.
Prior information
Drawings, Previous inspections, Design standards
Performance indicator
Dynamic response (acceleration/damping/frequencies)
Inspection method
NDT active or passive testing technologies, Physical methods, Visual inspection

The inspection method used in this case study to determine the object state was "NDT active or passive testing technologies, Physical methods, Visual inspection". This can include any of the following surveying technologies. Click one of the links below for more information:
NDT active or passive testing technologies

Physical methods

Visual inspection

  • (No corresponding surveying technology was found.)