Neumarkt bridge (object state)

A condition of an object at a particular time, reflecting the object's ability to fulfil it's requirements.


Element type
Object state
The application of de-icing salts resulted in visible damages on the structure. Visual condition of Columns: Massive concrete spalling, Column head confine installed. Condition of Girder: Sealing defect, Obvious rust stains. A nonlinear FE Model was created for a 2D simulation of a critial girder. The calibration was done with original static documents. The identification of chloride feed was carried out by extracting drilling cores and drilling powder samples. A simulation of the chloride ingress was carried out using Cellular Automata ((CATES, Jan Podroužek). With the simulation a mapping of areas with critical Cl- concentration could be created. The reliability and life time analysis of concrete bridges subjected to corrosion entails several important steps: (calibrated) mechanical model of the undamaged structure, stochastic models, (inverse) identification of relevant mechanical and environmental loads, definition of critical limit states, prediction of chloride concentration, and corrosion and mapping to mechanical changes.
Prior information
Design standards, Drawings, Design documents, Previous inspections, Numerical models
Performance indicator
Material mechanical properties, Chemical properties
Inspection method
Physical methods

The inspection method used in this case study to determine the object state was "Physical methods". This can include any of the following surveying technologies. Click one of the links below for more information:
Physical methods