Bavarian tunnel (object state)

A condition of an object at a particular time, reflecting the object's ability to fulfil it's requirements.


Element type
Object state
A priori probability of depassivation was predicted based on chloride content and concrete cover measurements for the life time of the structure. The tunnel segment was divided into 13 x 13 cm elements and each element was updated with half-cell potential data, assuming spatial independency among the elements.
Prior information
Performance indicator
Chemical properties, Electrical properties, Spatial properties (concrete cover/duct voids)
Inspection method
NDT active or passive testing technologies, Chemical methods

Relations with other elements

The inspection method used in this case study to determine the object state was "NDT active or passive testing technologies,Chemical methods". This can include any of the following surveying technologies. Click one of the links below for more information:
NDT active or passive testing technologies

Chemical methods