B2133 Grünbrücke Teslagasse (object state)

A condition of an object at a particular time, reflecting the object's ability to fulfil it's requirements.


Element type
Object state
additionally to the corrosion monitoring time discrete condition surveys were executed.
Prior information
Drawings, Previous inspections, Condition survey
"Condition survey" is not in the list (Drawings, Design documents, Previous inspections, Other, Design standards, Monitoring data, Numerical models, BIM models) of allowed values for the "Prior information" property.
Performance indicator
Chemical properties, Electrical properties, Spatial properties (concrete cover/duct voids), Other actions (wind/temperature/earthquake)
Inspection method
Physical methods, Chemical methods, Visual inspection

The inspection method used in this case study to determine the object state was "Physical methods,Chemical methods,Visual inspection". This can include any of the following surveying technologies. Click one of the links below for more information:
Physical methods

Chemical methods

Visual inspection

  • (No corresponding surveying technology was found.)